This page is for current year 12 students picking courses for Year 13 (level 3 NCEA).
You have a total of 12 units of work in Year 13. A full year course is 2 units of work and a half year course is 1 unit of work. You can also select Back-up options.
Use the "My Courses" button below to select your courses.
To select the unit of work, click on the course from the list, then click the green "select as one of my courses" button. This should then turn red and your unit of work will be added to the list of courses. You will see the units of work available change in the top corner.
You can change your courses at any time before the end of week 6, Term 3 - 30th August 2024.
Please contact [email protected] with any queries.
All courses are subject to sufficient student numbers and available staffing. The range of courses may change year to year. Courses run at the discretion of the NPBHS Headmaster.
Some senior courses have prerequisites and your son may not gain entry into a course if they do not meet these. This is is at the discretion of the Head of Faculty.